Monday, 19 December 2016

Inspired by Dulce Candy

I am such huge fan of Dulce Candy!!! She is a fashion and beauty blogger, I have been watching her videos and following her blog for over 5 years now. I absolutely love her. It was watching her videos that made me get motivated to learn about make up and fashion, she has greatly influenced my sense of style and she is the reason why I decided to start my own blog. Not only does she talk about fashion and beauty but she talks about mindfulness, inner happiness and self confidence. Watching her videos helped to get me through a little rough period in my life and watching and listening to her helped inspire me to pursue my dream to be a Graphic Designer and to work in the field of fashion. So thank you so much Dulce, you are the best!!!! This outfit is inspired by her blog post Plaid Pencil Skirt + Leather Vest #OOTD. Check out her blog: 

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