Leah Lamarche is a Graphic Designer in the fashion industry that also moonlights an extremely successful Fashion and Beauty blogger!
Lucky for us, she decided to sit down and answer a few quick questions about starting her blog, building her success and her next steps! What inspired you to begin your blog? I’ve wanted to blog since I started watching fashion and beauty bloggers on YouTube back in 2012 or so. But I was right at the beginning of school studying graphic design and I didn’t have time to focus on starting a blog, so I promised myself that when I was done school that I would start a blog. And that’s just what I did! I got my first job out of school In the fashion industry about 3 months after graduation and once I was settled in my work routine, I launched my fashion and lifestyle blog in the beginning of 2015. In the blog I talk about what it’s like to be part of the fashion industry in Montreal. The styles that I’m into, the fashion events I go to. And sometimes just random lifestyle things that I like to share! Yes!! It took a while but having the blog has allowed me to meet a lot of people in the fashion industry in the city and eventually got invited to a lot of event; fashion shows and launches in the city! My very first invite was to Barbe Rose lingerie fashion show back in March 2015. I got to meet the models and the designer and sit in the VIP, It was a really nice experience! In fact they have all been great and I’ve met so manny great people. Recently in the past year or so I have tried my hand at modeling in some fashion shows. Something I never thought that I would do. I’ve found it so much fun and such a rush! It’s nice to be able to experience fashion from a different perspective, being the “object” or “performer” rather than the audience! It’s cool! To tell you the truth, I’m not sure just yet. I’m sort of going with the flow right now and see where it all takes me! I’m wanting to continue with the modeling for now. I think I would like to take my blog to the next level and get into more edgier fashion and photography. My blog over very everyday fashion lifestyle at the moment, which is great because that is my life lol! But it would be super fun the experiment with some dynamic fashion that I have never tried before! Follow her on Instagram to keep up with her stylish content @leahlamarche
Has your blog given you any cool opportunities to go to events, shows or meet influencers you admire?
What can we expect next?
Check out her blog here
"The blog is not just about beauty, it is about embracing the beauty we are all individually and naturally given. The way we chose to see the world creates the world we see".
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