Friday, 3 February 2017

January Photoshoot

Startup Fashion Week

Festival Mode & Design

Fashion Preview # 6

Some pics from the last Fashion Preview Show 2016! Always such a great show! I always meet the most interesting people here :)

Food Tasting At CHMPGN+Cie

Got invited to the new opening of a super chic restaurant CHMPGN + CIE. This Tapas restaurant is located in Brossard in the South Shore of Montreal. It's quite a hop skip and a week away from where I live, but well with the travel. Not to mention that I get to cross over the Champlain bridge, which is always fun lol! I must say that these guys got champagne up the wazoo and they do it up right! I had myself a Chanel No. 6 which was delish! I love cocktails with champagne!